Name: Finca del Castillo Tempranillo
Variety: 100% Tempranillo
Region: La Mancha
Country: Spain
Year: 2011
Price: $4.95
Winery Review: "Rooty, spicy and baked on the nose, with aromas that lean towards raisin. The palate is more gritty and acidic, with raisin, cola, and spic flavors. Darkens up on the finish, which is long and peppery, with adequate juiciness and a final note of tomato." Vintage Cellar
wine notes
My Review: The darkest of em all, the Tempranillo was a really unique drink. Very fulled bodied, it left almost a coated feeling on my tongue afterwards which I wasn't crazy about. The mid-pallet was very interesting as a battle between some semi-soft cherries and pepper waged war with the spicy kicked ultimately winning and sticking around for the aftertaste. Probably a little too diverse and bold for my newbie taste but I'd like to try it again after I up my tasting skills.
I sampled the wine without food.
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