Friday, April 12, 2013

Tasting - Bricco Dei Tati Rosè

Name: Bricco Dei Tati Rosè
Variety: 100% Barbera
Region: Piedmont
Country: Italy
Year: 2012
Price: $6.95

Winery Review: "Fresh with aromas of strawberries, cherries, and rose petals, this an ideal wine with shellfish, salads, chicken, and appetizers" Vintage Cellar wine notes

My Review: If I didn't know any better I could have sworn I was walking through a blossoming spring strawberry patch, not smelling wine in the VC. Explosion of lovely strawberry and plum components on the nose, very floral, light, and delicate. A little bit hotter than I would have liked but the sweet berry flavors blended together very well. However this was a pretty bland wine, low complexity, low tannins, low excitement. Maybe a touch too much sugar for my pallet, left that sugar coated feeling on my teeth. Overall I enjoyed this rose but it left me looking for just a little more pep and zing that I wasn't finding under a heavy strawberry blanket. Definitely a solid spring/summer picnic or cookout type of wine.

I sampled the wine without food.

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